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Common Questions...


What happens when I contact Live Well EAP?
When you contact us, you will be connected with our  staff whose primary job is to understand your needs. We will first listen, and then we will ask you some questions so that we can connect you with the appropriate assistance.

Can my family use services?
We can let you know if your benefits extend to your dependents. 

Are services available online? 
The LWCC EAP website contains an online orientation, training information, and details about our workplace and work-life services.  Counseling and Coaching services are made available through a virtual format.  

Does my employer know that I am recieving services?
No. You do not have to notify your employer to use any LWCC EAP services. Simply call us at (308) 381-7487. You can also request and appointment online. In all cases, your contact with LWCC EAP is confidential.  Your employer is provided only statistical information that shows the number or type of services used. They do not have access to the names of clients or the specific reasons for their calls. All of this information is kept confidential.


(308) 381-7487
In the case of an emergency, call 911.